Travelling to Lake Nojiri & Akakura Onsen
There's a few travel options to travel to Nojiri & Akakura depending on your preferred mode of transport.
From Tokyo (Narita or Haneda), you can hire a car, bus to Nagano via Shinjuku OR
take the Shinkansen from Tokyo Station to Nagano.
Our favourite site to help you plan your travel is Rome2Rio.
This travel planning site will give you fly, drive, bus and train options plus price ranges.
Please reach out via Contact Us if you would like any further assistance or for car hire options.

Our Location
A 90 minute Shinkansen from Tokyo Station to Nagano plus 30 minute drive to Elan, Lake Nojiri, Nagano

Shinkansen Information
Order online or buy at the station your Shinkansen tickets to and from Nagano
Or buy a JR Rail pass if you would like to travel around Japan.

Car Hire
Nagano Station, Tokyo (Haneda & Narita) all have many car rental options. Use a third party such as or go direct to your preferred company. Be sure to get snow tyres in the winter months!